s a i g o n

saigon, vietnam. there are one thing I'm angry about vietnam, People who are working as immigration in saigon international airport. They took your money by using excuse which you need to pay tax if you bought a lot of things from their country. what the f. if you bring a lot of things n then u nak bawak masuk kat their country. its fine la coz u want to sell them in their country. but, this is not ordinary case. we already bought a lot of things from them. obviously, we had paid tax from things that we already bought from their people. so, why we still need to paid tax if we want to brings them out from their country. of course la nak pau kite yang malaysian ni.mana taknye, cakap slow2.resit pun tak dak. The things that i really regret is their immigration used to pau malaysian people. no wonder la, immigration diorang la yang banyak buat duit. pakai i-phone, of course xde hal punye. alright, let say la katekan kalo sehari ade 2 flight from  Ho Chi Minh City ke KL, then satu flight boleh dapat dalam 200usd, tu kire amik minimum la satu flight. darab 2. then darabkan ngan 30. wow!!

aiman | ajai | adib | abah(hj ali) | amar

Few pictures from V 

tribute to all the cleaners around the world. world would be nicer with them. kamanggg(thank you)!


